Activity of the Office

The Office services, based on permanent education and consolidation, include the whole range of legal activities and duties for companies as well as for private individuals.


Commercial management of energy-producing plants from renewable sources:

  • Financial accounting, account management, coordinate payments and collections
  • Statistics and production statements/dichiarazione di consumo (GSE, Regulatory Authority for Electricity and Gas/AEEG, Customs Agency/Agenzia delle Dogane, grid operator)
  • Consulting services and scheduling of financings, contacts to banks and leasing companies, periodical check of term limits
  • Consulting services and planning of factory insurances of plants
  • Area specific tax and accounting Due Diligence with comparisons
  • Consulting services and elaboration of EPC-contracts as well as O&M contracts
  • Consulting and supporting services for obtaining feed in tariffs or “green certificates” as well as closure of contracts for the sale of electric energy (PPA)


Tax consulting services for legal and natural subjects as well as for public and private corporations and associations

  • Composition of periodical tax statements as well as the telematic transfer to the tax authorities
  • Proceedings in tax row


Consulting services in international tax law

  • Services for foreign subjects in Italy
  • Services for Italian subjects in foreign countries
  • Consulting services related to “transfer pricing” and capital transactions as well as corresponding taxation (to avoid double taxation)
  • International tax planning and tax optimization


Incorporation of companies

  • Extraordinary operations: Transformation, merger, contribution of assets, split-off
  • Reorganisation of company and shareholder structures (financial structure and composition of executive bodies)
  • Compliance of legal duties (Chamber of Commerce, logging resolution corporate institutions etc.)
  • Shareholder side letter


Assessment of investments

  • Assessment of companies/assets, branch of industries and shares
  • Various extraordinary operations (rent a company and realization of companies etc.)
  • Estimate and reports


Elaboration of annual balance sheets and extraordinary balance sheets

  • Legal auditing services
  • Elaboration of all necessary legal documents to release balance sheets
  • Balance sheet analysis


Accounting Services and agency settlements

  • Accountancy (through Contax KG der Dr. A. Stelzer & Co.)
  • Elaboration and transfer of files of any type to public authorities
  • Expert reports
  • Information letters and Newsletter concerning to tax and legal issues


Consulting services, elaboration and execution of contracts

  • Asset or branch of industry purchase agreement, share purchase agreement (incl. Tax and accounting Due Diligence)
  • Sales contracts
  • Employee contracts
  • Mandate contracts and authorizations
  • Settlement agreements
  • Sales representative and agency contracts
  • Contracts for new business opportunities